These truths are so uncomfortable that I find it very difficult to put them out. I know a lot of people will be very displeased and disappointed. Some of our revered senior colleagues will see this as an attempt to denigrate the profession, but I make bold to tell them it is far from that. In celebration of this year’s World Radio Day I believe these uncomfortable conversations should be had, so that we don’t keep deceiving ourselves.
It is pertinent for me to note that I am not saying any thing here is right or wrong, neither is this an attempt to label them appropriate or inappropriate. All I’m about to say is based on keen observation and diligent study of the industry from my personal point of view. This is the reality of radio after a century of existence!
1. A century is a long time and radio has come to stay – know this and know peace
2. The world of radio has changed and is still changing rapidly, no thanks to technology – adjust or fall off
3. Not every change is unprofessional or an attempt to bastardize – embrace change with an open mind
4. Ability to learn and relearn is one of the traits of a good professional – Don’t be stuck in the past, life is dynamic
5. Working smart and cutting excesses is not tantamount to laziness and profit mongering – don’t tie yourself down to backward mindset
6. Radio is no longer exclusive to Broadcast Journalists, it has never been – wake up, smell the coffee and mind your business
7. Non-Journalists are now an integral and strategic part of radio – On-Air-Personality is NOT an insult anymore, they are the new kids on the block
8. Journalists are not superior to non-journalists on radio, as strikers are not superior to goal keepers. Different wings, same team! – Drop your shoulders and befriend non-Journalists, you have a lot to learn from them!
9. Radio has been radically liberalized, days of strict regulations are gone forever – Stop bothering yourself, It is unfortunate but it what it is!
10. In addition to impact, profitability is now a Key Performance Index – Don’t let any body make you believe poverty is a virtue on the job, you can be impactful and rich.
Kindly feel free to drop your C,C,C and C (Comments, Corrections, Condemnations and Contributions) in the comment section or with me personally on 08162746129 or via email afoudalafta@gmail.com. It will be my utmost pleasure to engage and learn from you!